Wealthy Doctor Institute LLC
Whether you're an experienced investor looking for ways to improve your investing techniques, or if you're a complete beginner investor but realize that investing is extremely important for your future, you've come to the right place.
Wealthy Doctor Institute LLC was founded as proof that even a busy physician can invest successfully, and that investment techniques need not be complicated. As a physician myself, I've been approached by various money managers over the years, but when I asked how they came up with the trades and strategies that they make, I was often frustrated by non-answers, such as "it's proprietary," or "we have a team of analysts to help us determine how we think or feel the markets will do."
When I semi-retired at the age of 45 from medicine, people started asking me how I invested; I decided to be completely transparent in teaching my techniques. When people started asking if I could invest for them, I decided to found the Wealthy Doctor Institute LLC as a Registered Investment Advisor that I wish I had 20 years ago - transparent, to the point, someone who is a physician colleague and understands intimately the unique financial struggles that we face.
Our Team

David Yeh, MD, is a practicing physician, speaker, best-selling author, investment advisor, and founder of The Wealthy Doctor Institute. David is an alumni of Cornell University and New York University School of Medicine and is Board Certified in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, having done his residency at SUNY at Stony Brook, and fellowship at University of Pennsylvania. David is also a member of Mensa.
David has spent 20 years researching, back testing, and refining straightforward investment systems that have allowed him to semi-retire at 45 years old. David’s techniques combine the tools of traditional money managers, the risk mitigation techniques of active market traders, and the pattern recognition and quantitative analytic skills of diagnostic physicians into practical systems that a reasonable busy doctor can realistically implement.
Invest as described in Dr. Yeh's best-selling book
Busy Doctor's Investment Guide-
How One Adjustment Per Month Can Save And Maintain Your Portfolio's Health
We’re doctors. We’re well trained to take care of our patients despite ever increasing demands on our time and on our practices. Who has time to invest? Some doctors shy away from the stock market for lack of understanding or fear of losing what we have worked so hard to earn. Others simply feel that we do not have the time to dedicate to investing responsibly. And if we look for help, a lot of professional advisors sound more like used car salesmen than seasoned, successful investors.
Investing your assets need not be complicated nor confusing. In fact, as few as one or two simple tips or rules, requiring minimal time and attention each month, is all that is required to mitigate risk and boost long term growth. Don’t get me wrong, some losses are of course inevitable, but as long as we use only a fraction of the discipline we habitually use in our practices to follow a basic investment protocol over time, we can smooth out the dips in our portfolios, and be true captains of our destiny in these increasingly uncertain times. If up until now your investment protocol consists of little more than handing funds over to a money manager who does little more than pie chart investing, or if you’re sick of pouring money into stock tips that end up crashing, The Busy Doctor’s Investment Guide will guide you through several simple but battle proven strategies and protocols, any one of which could potentially make a huge impact in your investment returns, and empower you financially.

Get your copy now

As seen on affiliates of

Brian Tracy interviews David Yeh, MD, founder of the Wealthy Doctor Institute.
This interview was first broadcast on the Brian Tracy Show on affiliates of ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX on 4/16/16 and 4/17/16
Dr. Yeh: Sorry for the disclaimers at the bottom, guys! Brian, in his enthusiasm, made it seem like I was going to be the next Warren Buffett. No way am I going to promise that! But glad he's impressed with my book!
As seen on:

William Shatner and Doug Llewelyn interviews David Yeh, MD.
This interview was first broadcast on the Moving America Forward Show on Biz.tv on September 25, 2016